Sunday, June 21, 2009

My 1st Beginner Class Sequence

We started teacher training going over sequencing. For the past 2 weeks I have been working on writing a number of different class sequences. I have been struggling most with intro and beginner class sequences. I have an intermediate/advanced practice and typically take those type of classes. It has been very difficult for me to step back and write a beginner sequence. I struggle with making it not too advanced yet at the same time not boring and too easy.

This morning I decided to do one of my beginner sequences as my practice and see how it felt. I found some changes that I wanted to make and feel pretty good about it. Here is the sequence below.

Key to my abbreviations
RBS = repeat both sides 3x - repeat 3x
DD – Down Dog AOH – Arms over head

Hands and knees
Cat cow
Hands and knees, melt heart
RBS Hands & knees, lift right leg back straight and left arm forward
DD, walk forward
3x Uttanasana, flat back
Tadasana, AOH, uttanasana
Right leg back lunge
DD, Plank, DD
Right leg forward- lunge
DD, plank, knees to floor, lower to belly, Baby cobra
RBS Low lunge, walk hands to inside, gecko (emphasis on hip opening)
DD, plank, knees to floor, lower to belly, Baby cobra
DD, walk forward
3x Uttanasana, flat back
Tadasana, AOH
RBS Tadasana, bend & lift right leg, hold knee, work on getting tall, & opening
hips, release
tadasana , wide stance, clasp hands behind back, bend forward
3x Uttanasana, flat back
hands on knees, utkatasana, stand up, AOH, fold forward
Uttanasana, DD, Plank, knees to floor, lower to belly, clasp hands behind
back & rise
Rest on belly
Right leg Parsvakonasana prep
wide leg forward bend, flat back 3x
Parsvakonasana prep side 2
Wide leg forward bend, clasp arms, bend forward, rotate foot forward, lunge
DD, plank, knees to floor, lower to belly, cobra
RBS DD, Parsvakonasana, warrior 2, DD
RBS tadasana, tree
Take seat
RBS ardha matsyendrasana
RBS janu sirsasana (bend over front leg)
Lay on back
ananda balasana (happy baby)
reclined twist

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